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Halo Connect Docs


For practices For integrators Halo & Bp Premier Halo & Zedmed Halo & D4W/D4Web

Halo Link overview Halo Cloud overview Support Release notes

About Halo Connect

Halo Connect is an integration layer between a Practice/Patient Management System (PMS, e.g. Best Practice Premier) and trusted third-party developers (aka integrators).

Without a service like Halo Connect, each third-party developer wishing to interact with a PMS has to develop their own service to run in each Practice. With Halo Connect's API, third-party developers only need to be approved as a PMS partner to perform the operations they need through Halo Connect's existing integration app and cloud services.

graph LR
    I1[Integration A]
    I2[Integration B]
    I3[Integration C]

    subgraph Practice server
        S[(PMS DB)]

        A1[Integration A agent]
        A2[Integration B agent]
        A3[Integration C agent]

        A1 <--> S
        A2 <--> S
        A3 <--> S

    I1 <--> A1
    I2 <--> A2
    I3 <--> A3
graph LR
    I1[Integration A]
    I2[Integration B]
    I3[Integration C]

    H1(Halo Cloud)

    I1 <--> H1
    I2 <--> H1
    I3 <--> H1

    subgraph Practice server
        S[(PMS DB)]
        H2(Halo Link agent)
        H2 <--> S

    H1 <--> H2

Who does this benefit?

It depends who you ask! There are a range of benefits for the health ecosystem including for practices, integrators, PMS vendors and, ultimately, patients.

  • Simplifies your IT infrastructure, by replacing the current required model of 1 local agent per integrator per practice with a single agent that is well-behaved.
  • Reduces the burden on PMS installations, by consolidating and limiting queries to ensure database health is maintained.
  • Streamlines integrator onboarding, allowing you to enable new partners with a single click from within your PMS's software.
  • Improves safety and security, by using a modern agent built on Microsoft Azure and hosted on Australian servers.
  • Saves you money on support, by monitoring agent instances for outages and proactively supporting practices to get back online, we remove the need for integrators to run a dedicated help desk for their local agent.
  • Enables rapid growth - instantly add any practice that enables you, rather than liaising with IT providers.
  • Ensures safe, secure and reliable data transmission, by using a well-behaved agent that protects practice infrastructure, and looking after encryption, transmission and keeping agents up to date.
  • Supercharges your partnerships program, by lowering the technical barrier to entry for new integrators, you could massively broaden the number of integrators you partner with, providing more functionality to your products and driving revenue growth.
  • Reduces the number of different services running on each practice server, and manages throttling, queueing, and batching to safeguard performance and increase stability for practices.
  • Matches your security, by only allowing access to data and roles that have been approved by the PMS and enabled by the practice.
  • Drives innovation, by transitioning from SQL to a FHIR-compatible API, we’re enabling easy integration for new and emerging health tech such as wearables or new medical devices.

Where to next?

If you want to dive deeper into the docs, our quick start guides are a good place to start.

Guide for practices Guide for integrators

How do I get in contact?

If you have any questions, please contact Support.